LLCs and S-Corps
Every business needs to set up a legal entity.
Your legal entity may be an LLC, S-Corporation or C-Corporation. We can set up any of these legal entities for you.
... Floyd Green CPA has served over 8,000 small businesses and nonprofits throughout the US.
Your LLC or corporation serves multiple purposes, including:
- limiting liability of the business owner
- Separating business and personal taxes
- setting up a business bank account
- obtaining business loans
- obtaining business insurance
Our LLC and corporation setup is complete, accurate and timely.
In setting up the LLC, we will:
- prepare the articles of organization
- obtain the EIN (employer identification number, tax ID number)
- provide an operating agreement (template)
- ensure that you receive your certificate of organization from the state (where applicable)
- file all documents online (where applicable)
In setting up the corporation, we will:
- prepare the articles of organization
- obtain the EIN (employer identification number, tax ID number)
- provide corporate bylaws (template)
- complete form 2553, if applicable
- ensure that you receive your certificate of incorporation from the state (where applicable)
- file all documents online (where possible)
Start the incorporation process today using this Online Form.
And we know that you may have a few questions in setting up your LLC or S Corporation. Just give us a call as we can provide you with simple and complete answers about your LLC or S Corporation setup.
(no incorporation or LLC service offered in NC and NY)